Butterfly Pea Powder Latte

Cuisinart original

There are many people touting the benefits  from mood enhancement to stress relief  of butterfly pea flower tea drinks, which hail from Thailand. What we do know for sure is that the brilliant blue hue in addition to the delicious earthy flavor will have you in love at first sip.
Some specialty gourmet stores and tea shops carry this vibrant tea sold in powder form, but it is readily available online.


Makes 1 serving


1½   teaspoons butterfly pea flower
         powder, sifted
1      tablespoon water
1      to 2 teaspoons honey, or to taste
2      cups milk (dairy or nondairy)

Nutritional information

No nutrition information available


1. Put the butterfly pea flower powder
and water in a glass that’s at least 12
ounces in capacity. Add honey to pea
flower mixture, if using. Reserve.
2. Put the milk into a heatproof mug. Hold
the mug in one hand and place under
the steam wand so the bottom of the
wand is just below the surface of the
milk at an angle. Select the Steam
function and press the START/STOP
knob to start steaming. While holding
the mug at an angle, allow the steam
to move the milk around. Once the milk
begins to increase in volume, lift the
mug up higher so the steam wand
immerses deeper into the milk (this will
prevent large bubbles from forming and
will make a nice fine milk foam). When
the foam has almost reached the top
of the mug and you can feel that the
milk in the mug is quite hot, press the
START/STOP knob to stop steaming.