
Green Zing

four 5-ounce servings

Green Zing

four 5-ounce servings

Nutritional information per 5-ounce serving:Calories 28 (8% from fat)
carb. 6g
pro. 1g
fat 0g
sat. fat 0g
chol. 0mg
sod 54mg
calc. 52mg
fiber 2gNotable nutrients based on daily percentages:Vitamin A 41%
Vitamin C 24%
Potassium 356mg
Folate 13%


1 medium cucumber (peeled if waxy) ½ bunch kale, about 3 to 4 stalks ½ bunch parsley 3 handfuls spinach 1 two-inch piece ginger 5 celery stalks


  1. 1. Turn the Cuisinart Juice Extractor to speed 3. Turn the unit on and juice the cucumber.
  2. 2. Increase to speed 5 and juice the remaining ingredients in order listed.
  3. 3. Stir juice and serve immediately.