Sauces and Dressings

BBQ Sauce

Makes about 2 cups

BBQ Sauce

Makes about 2 cups

Whether slathered on grilled chicken, or used in baked beans, homemade BBQ sauce beats out the jarred style any day.

Nutritional information per serving (2 tablespoons):Calories 46 (20% from fat)
carb. 8g
pro. 0g
fat 1g
sat. fat 0g
chol. 0mg
sod. 271mg
calc. 6mg
fiber 0g


1 tablespoon vegetable oil1 small onion, chopped3 garlic cloves, chopped1 cup ketchup⅓ cup water1 tablespoon Dijon-style mustard1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce1 chipotle pepper1 tablespoon chili powder1 tablespoon paprika¼ cup packed brown sugar


1. Put the oil into a medium skillet and place over medium heat. Once hot, add the chopped onion and garlic to the pan. Sauté until soft and fragrant, about 5 minutes.2. Put the remaining ingredients into the blender jar, in the order listed, along with the sautéed vegetables. Select High and blend until smooth, about 2 minutes.3. Taste and adjust seasoning as desired. Allow to cool to room temperature and transfer to an airtight container and store in the refrigerator. Sauce will keep for up to 2 weeks.