

Makes one 9-inch tart, 8 to 12 servings


Makes one 9-inch tart, 8 to 12 servings

Nutritional Information per serving (based on 12 servings per tart): Calories 218 (33% from fat)
carb. 36g
pro. 1g
fat 8g
sat. fat 5g
Col. 36mg
sod. 49mg
calc. 4mg
fiber 0gVegetarian


  • 1 teaspoon unsalted butter, softened
  • ½ recipe *Pâte Sucrée*
  • 4 to 5 medium lemons (about ¾ cup)
  • 5 large eggs
  • 1½ cups granulated sugar
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, at room temperature
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract


  1. 1. Butter a 9-inch tart pan with removable bottom with 1 teaspoon butter and reserve.
  2. 2. Once *Pâte Sucrée* dough is ready to roll, lightly dust a work surface with flour.
  3. 3. Roll dough into a circle, about 12 inches in diameter. Roll the dough halfway up a rolling pin in order to center it over the tart pan to lay it down evenly.
  4. 4. Gently press the dough into the inside, bottom edge of the tart pan. Trim the ends slightly and then fold in the edges to form double-thick sides.
  5. 5. Use a fork to pierce the bottom of the dough evenly all over. Freeze until firm, about 20 to 30 minutes.
  6. 6. While tart shell is chilling, preheat oven to 375°F.
  7. 7. Line the chilled pastry with parchment paper and fill with pie weights. Bake for 20-25 minutes.
  8. 8. Remove liner and weights, bake for an additional 5 minutes. Cool on a rack.
  9. 9. Zest and juice the 5 lemons. Reserve separately. You should have about ¾ cup lemon juice.
  10. 10. Insert the Stirring Paddle. Add 5 large eggs and 1½ cups sugar to the work bowl. Secure the Cooking Lid.
  11. 11. The processor is set to mix for 2 minutes on Speed 10.
  12. 12. Scrape Bowl. Add reserved lemon juice and zest, 2 tablespoons each cornstarch and room temperature butter and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract.
  13. 13. Secure the Cooking Lid. The cooking time is set for 8 minutes at 190°F on Speed 6.
  14. 14. Skim the foam and allow to cool.
  15. 15. Place baked tart shell (still in pan) on a baking sheet lined with foil. Pour lemon filling into slightly cooled tart shell.