
Creamy Tomato-Basil Soup

Makes 6 servings

Creamy Tomato-Basil Soup

Makes 6 servings

Bits of tomato and basil add flavor and texture to this light and creamy chilled soup. Garnish with plain yogurt and basil if desired.

47 Calories (8% from fat)
carb. 8g
pro. 3g
fat 0g
sat. fat 0g
chol. 1mg
sod. 49mg
calc. 88mg
fiber 1g


¼ cup fresh basil leaves, washed and dried1½ cups low sodium tomato juice½ cup reduced sodium, low-fat chicken broth1 cup plain nonfat yogurt¾ pound tomatoes, cored, cut into pieces⅛ teaspoon finely ground black pepper


Place garlic and basil in a Cuisinart® SmartPower™ 7-Speed Electronic Blender jar. Place cover on blender jar. Turn blender On and pulse on Stir until coarsely chopped, about 5 - 6 times.Scrape jar if necessary. Add remaining ingredients in order listed and blend on Puree until combined, about 30 - 35 seconds.Turn blender Off. Pour into large bowl, cover and chill until ready to serve.