Sauces and Dressings

Orange Apricot Glaze

Makes 1⁄2 cup glaze

Orange Apricot Glaze

Makes 1⁄2 cup glaze

A good way to sweeten your chiffon cake.

Nutritional information per serving (about 11⁄3 teaspoon): Calories 28 (1% from fat)
carb. 7g
pro. 0g
fat 0g
sat. fat 0g
chol. 0mg
sod. 4mg
calc. 2mg
fiber 0g


1⁄2cup apricot preserves2tablespoons Grand Marnier®1teaspoon fresh lemon juice


Place preserves, liqueur and lemon juice in a small bowl. Insert the mixing beaters. Mix on Speed 3 for 1 minute. May use as is, or for a smoother glaze, press through a strainer.