
Pizza with Ricotta and Pesto

Yield: one 12-inch pizza, 4 servings

Pizza with Ricotta and Pesto

Yield: one 12-inch pizza, 4 servings

Fresh pesto is the perfect ingredient for homemade pizza.

Nutritional information per serving:Calories 360 (50% from fat)
carb. 32g
pro. 14g
fat 20g
sat. fat 5g
chol. 23mg
sod. 576mg calc. 268mg
fiber 3g


  • 1recipe Pizza Dough (page 37)
  • cornmeal, for dusting baking sheet
  • 1ounce Parmesan, cut into ½-inch cubes
  • ½cup ricotta
  • 2ounces ricotta salata
  • ⅓cup pesto (page 21)


  1. 1. Preheat an oven with the rack in the middle of the oven. If you have a pizza stone or steel, put on the rack and allow to preheat for 30 minutes while preparing the pizza.
  2. 2. Stretch pizza dough to a 12-inch round and put on a cornmeal-dusted baking sheet. Cover with plastic wrap and allow to rest while preparing the toppings.
  3. 3. Insert the metal chopping blade into the work bowl. With the unit running on High, drop
  4. the Parmesan through the feed tube and process until finely grated. Add the ricotta and pulse to combine.
  5. 4. Top the pizza dough with the ricotta mixture.
  6. 5. Remove the chopping blade and insert the fine slicing disc. Slice the ricotta salata. Evenly place over the ricotta mixture and then dollop the pesto on top of the cheese.
  7. 6. Put into the preheated oven, on top of the baking stone/steel if using, and bake until the cheese is bubbly, about 12 minutes.
  8. 7. Allow to cool for a few minutes prior to slicing and serving.