BBQ Baked Beans

BBQ Baked Beans
BBQ Baked Beans
BBQ Baked Beans
BBQ Baked Beans
Cuisinart original

Cooking these beans on a pellet grill really elevates the richness of the dish with smoky notes from the pellets. Cuisinart Applewood Whiskey Pellets are the perfect pairing to dvelop flavor in these beans.


6 servings


1 cup                      Homemade (see recipe) or slab bacon, ½” diced

1                            Medium white onion, diced

2 cans                    Pinto or Navy beans (with liquid)

2 tablespoons         Molasses

¾ cup                     Cuisinart Classic Kansas City BBQ Sauce

2 tablespoons         Cuisinart Bourbon Molasses Seasoning

½ teaspoon             Kosher salt

1 teaspoon              Yellow mustard or apple cider vinegar (optional)

Nutritional information

No nutrition information available


  1. Preheat pellet grill to 325°F
  2. Add Cuisinart Cast Iron Wok to pellet grill and preheat
  3. Once pellet grill comes to temperature, add bacon to wok
  4. Once bacon has rendered and become crispy, add onions and stir occasionally until softened
  5. Add beans and stir to combine
  6. Add molasses, sauce, seasoning, and salt
  7. If you want a more sweet-and-sour blend, add mustard or vinegar
  8. Stir to combine and close pellet grill lid
  9. ‘Bake’ beans, stirring occasionally, for 2 hours or until thickened