For Baby

Broccoli and Sweet Potato

Makes about twelve 1-ounce servings

Broccoli and Sweet Potato

Makes about twelve 1-ounce servings

Calories 30 (2% from fat)
carb. 7g
pro. 1g
fat 0g
sat fat 0g
chol 0mg
sod. 5mg
calc. 9mg
fiber 1g


1 medium sweet potato, about 10ounces, cut into ½-inch cubes4 ounces broccoli florets


Place sweet potato and broccoli into steamer basket to fit a 3- to 4-quart saucepan filled with one inch of water. Place the pan with a tight fitting lid over high heat. Once water starts to boil, reduce heat to medium. Steam vegetables until completely soft, 20 minutes.Place steamed vegetables in the Cuisinart® food processor work bowl fitted with the metal chopping blade. Process for 30 seconds. Scrape sides of bowl and turn machine on for and additional 30 seconds adding 1 tablespoon of cooking liquid at a time to achieve desired consistency.Allow mixture to cool. Store in refrigerator in airtight container for up to 3 days or freeze.