Fried Seafood & Vegetable Fondue

Cuisinart original

Make sure all foods being dipped into the oil are completely dry, otherwise the oil will spatter. Invest in a deep fat/candy thermometer to monitor the temperature of the oil to be sure you do not saturate or burn your foods.


Makes 6 to 8 servings


3½      cups flavorless vegetable oil (such as canola or grapeseed)

1         pound large shrimp, peeled (leave on tails) and deveined

1         pound sea scallops, dried well and tough muscle removed (most can be purchased this way)

½        pound salmon fillet, skinned, cut into 1-inch pieces

1         baby eggplant (Japanese variety is preferred), cut into ½-inch rounds

1         small zucchini, cut into ½-inch rounds

24       green beans, cut into 2-inch pieces

2         large carrots, peeled and cut into 2-inch sticks

           lemon wedges, for serving

Nutritional information

No nutrition information available


1. Put the oil in the fondue pot. Set to Setting 7.5 to heat. Oil should be hot (375°F when tested with a deep fat/candy thermometer) but should not be boiling.

2. To serve, skewer seafood and vegetables onto forks and fry until golden and crispy. Drain and allow to cool on paper towel-lined plates for a minute before eating. Serve with the suggested dips and sauces below and with lemon wedges.

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