
Empty the Pantry Cookies

Makes about 40 cookies

Empty the Pantry Cookies

Makes about 40 cookies

This recipe is very adaptable, and like the name implies, its purpose is to use whatever
you happen to have on hand for the mix-ins. You can use regular oats in place of the
quick-cooking oats, they’ll just be a bit chunkier. Use dried fruits or chopped
chocolate in place of the nuts and chips, if that is what you have, and enjoy.

Nutritional information per cookie:Calories 191 (49% from fat)
carb. 19g
pro. 2g fat 9g
sat. fat 5g
chol. 24mg
sod. 84mg calc. 2mg
fiber 1g


  • 2cups unbleached, all-purpose flour
  • 1½ teaspoons baking soda
  • 1teaspoon kosher salt
  • 20tablespoons (2½ sticks) unsalted
  • butter, room temperature and
  • cubed
  • 1cup packed light brown sugar
  • 1cup granulated sugar
  • 2teaspoons espresso powder
  • (instant espresso)
  • 2large eggs, room temperature
  • 2teaspoons pure vanilla extract
  • 2cups quick-cooking oats
  • 1cup coarsely chopped walnuts or
  • pecans
  • 1cup bittersweet chocolate chips
  • ½cup peanut butter or butterscotch
  • chips
  • ½cup shredded coconut
  • flaked sea salt, for finishing


  1. 1. Preheat oven to 350º F with the racks in
  2. the lower and upper third positions. Line
  3. two baking sheets with parchment paper.
  4. 2. Put flour, baking soda, and salt in a
  5. medium bowl and mix on Speed 1 to
  6. thoroughly combine, about 30 seconds;
  7. reserve
  8. 3. In a large mixing bowl, mix butter and
  9. sugars on Speeds 1 to 4 until light and
  10. creamy, about 2 minutes. While mixing
  11. on Speed 3, add eggs, one at a time, and
  12. vanilla extract, mixing well before adding
  13. the next egg.
  14. 4. While mixing on Speed 2, add the flour
  15. mixture in 2 to 3 additions, allowing to
  16. mostly mix into the dough before adding
  17. the next addition. Add the oats in 2
  18. additions; beat on Speed 2 after each
  19. addition until well blended. Add nuts,
  20. chips and coconut on Speed 2, until well
  21. mixed.
  22. 5. Scoop (about a 2-tablespoon measure)
  23. onto the prepared baking sheets and
  24. bake about 10 to 12 minutes, until golden
  25. brown. Let cool on baking sheets for 2 to
  26. 3 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to
  27. cool completely.