
Coffee Syrup

Makes 1⁄3 cup syrup

Coffee Syrup

Makes 1⁄3 cup syrup

Be sure to save some of your morning brew for this recipe.

Nutritional information (1 tablespoon syrup)Calories 78 (0% from fat)
carb. 20g
pro. 0g
fat 0g
sat. fat 0g
chol. 0mg
sod. 1mg
calc. 1mg
fiber 0g


  • 1cup strong brewed coffee
  • ½cup granulated sugar


  1. 1. Stir coffee and sugar together in a small saucepan and bring to a boil over medium-high heat.Cook until the mixture has reduced by about 2⁄3 and is thick and syrupy, about 35 minutes.Cool completely.
  2. 2.Stir into yogurt to taste and serve immediately. It is best to stir about
    1 tablespoon per individual serving as opposed to adding to a full batch.