
Spiked Watermelon Refresher

Makes 12 ounces (1 to 2 servings)

Spiked Watermelon Refresher

Makes 12 ounces (1 to 2 servings)

Fresh watermelon and mint make this a refreshing cocktail, especially when the temperature soars.

Nutritional information per serving (based on 2 servings):Calories 74 (2% from fat)
carb. 11g
pro. 1g
fat 0g
sat. fat 0g
chol. 0mg
sod. 1mg
calc. 8mg
fiber 0g


  • 8ounces watermelon, cut to fit the feed tube
  • 1ounce good quality rum
  • 1ounce mint syrup (recipe follows)


  1. 1. Assemble the juice extractor attachment.
  2. 2. Turn to high speed and juice the watermelon (should yield about 4
  3. ounces of juice).
  4. 3. Add the rum and mint syrup. Stir well and serve in tall glass with plenty
  5. of ice.