
Blueberry Cocoa Smoothie

Makes 1 serving

Blueberry Cocoa Smoothie

Makes 1 serving

The cocoa powder in this smoothie can be an acquired taste for some, so we recommend starting with 1 teaspoon for the first try, then increase as desired. Also, blueberries are full of natural pectin so drink immediately after blending to prevent it from thickening too much.

Nutritional information per serving:Calories 175 (9% from fat)
carb. 39g
pro. 2g
fat 2g
sat. fat 0g
chol. 0mg
sod. 91mg
calc. 322mg
fiber 8g


  • ½cup frozen wild blueberries
  • 1banana, cut into 1-inch pieces
  • 1to 2 teaspoons cocoa powder
  • ¼teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • ½cup almond milk


  1. 1. Put all of the ingredients, in the order listed, into the blending cup.
  2. Secure blade assembly.
  3. 2. Run on High until smooth, about 1 minute.
  4. 3. Serve immediately