
Mango Vanilla Bean Mojito

Makes about five 8-ounce servings

Mango Vanilla Bean Mojito

Makes about five 8-ounce servings

The ripeness of the mango makes a big difference in this play on the Cuban favorite. Be sure to use the ripest fruit available.

Nutritional information per serving: Calories 370 (1% from fat)
carb. 45g
pro. 1g
fat 0g
sat. fat 0g
chol. 0mg
sod. 15mg
calc. 20mg
fiber 2g


12 ounces light rum8 ounces fresh lime juice12½ ounces unflavored seltzer 6 cups of 1-inch cubed very ripe mangoes (about 3 fruits)5 tablespoons granulated sugar3 kiwis, peeled and cut into 1-inch pieces4 vanilla beans, split and seeds scraped, pods discarded15 fresh mint leaves


Put all the ingredients, in the order listed, into the jar of your Cuisinart® PowerEdge® 1000 Watt Blender. Cover and run on High for 35 seconds. Turn the power off. Pour the punch over ice and serve immediately.