
Hot Chocolate

Makes six 6-ounce servings

Hot Chocolate

Makes six 6-ounce servings

Simple Hot chocolate.

Nutritional information per serving: Calories 267 (49% from fat)
carb. 31g
pro. 6g
fat 16g
sat. fat 9g
chol. 14mg
sod. 61mg
calc. 174mg
fiber 3g


3 ½ cups whole milk 4 teaspoons cocoa powder 8 ounces semisweet chocolate, finely chopped (may use chocolate chips)


  1. 1. Put the milk into the blender jar. Cover and set timer for 8 minutes and temperature on High, stirring every few minutes.
  2. 2. Once milk is hot and foamy on the top, but not boiling, add the cocoa powder and chocolate and set timer for 15 minutes and temperature on Medium. Stir in the beginning and every few minutes during cooking time to blend ingredients.
  3. 3. Serve immediately once time expires.