
Traditional Popcorn - CPM100 (hot air popper)

Makes about 10 cups

Traditional Popcorn - CPM100 (hot air popper)

Makes about 10 cups

The perfect balance between butter and salt. For those who are salt sensitive adjust the amount of salt to taste.

Nutritional information per 1-cup serving:Calories 49 (40% from fat)
carb. 6g
pro. 1g
fat 3g
sat. fat 1g
chol. 6mg
sod. 107mg
calc. 1mg
fiber 1g


⅓ cup popcorn kernels2 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into small cubes½ to ¾ teaspoon kosher or sea salt


1. Remove chute and put the kernels into the popping chamber. Replace chute and insert butter warming cup.2. Put butter into warming cup, place a large bowl underneath the chute and turn unit on.3. Once the last kernel has popped, turn unit off. Add the salt to butter in the cup and stir to fully combine (note: some of the butter may not look fully melted, but once you stir in the salt all should be liquid).4. Pour the butter/salt mixture over the popped corn and mix to fully coat. Serve immediately.