



The timer makes it easier than you’d ever imagine to make perfect hard-boiled eggs.

Nutritional information per ½ egg:Calories 54 (70% from fat)
carb. 1g
pro. 3g
fat 4g
sat. fat 1g
chol. 108mg
sod. 144mg
calc. 15mg
fiber 0g


  • 12large eggs
  • ½ cup mayonnaise
  • 1½teaspoons Dijon-style mustard
  • 1½teaspoons fresh lemon juice
  • 1teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 2tablespoons capers, drained
  • ¾ teaspoon kosher salt
  • ¼ freshly ground pepper
  • Paprika for garnish


  1. 1. Put eggs onto the tray inside the steamer. Secure lid.
  2. 2. Select Manual, set timer to 14 minutes and press Start. Once timer expires, immediately transfer eggs to a large bowl filled with ice water to stop the cooking process.
  3. 3. Once eggs are cool, peel and carefully slice in half lengthwise.
  4. 4. Remove yolks and put into the work bowl of a Cuisinart® Food Processor fitted with the metal chopping blade. Process until smooth.
  5. 5. Pulse in the remaining ingredients and process again until smooth. Taste and adjust seasoning as desired.
  6. 6. Spoon or pipe the yolk filling into the center of each egg white. Sprinkle with paprika before serving.